Micotherapy U-Care
Micotherapy U-CARE è un integratore che contiene una miscela di estratti idroalcolici concentrati di 5 funghi considerati tradizionalmente “medicinali”, Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum), Maitake (Grifola frondosa), Agaricus blazei, Cordyceps sinensis, Shiitake (Lentinula edodes), utili per il supporto al sistema immunitario, coltivati in comunità europea, certificati biologici da ICEA e naturalmente senza glutine.
70 capsule
Mdo d'uso
L’assunzione suggerita è mediamente di 2 cps/die la mattina prima di colazione con un bicchiere di acqua tiepida o una tisana con qualche goccia di limone.
Micotherapy U-CARE contiene polisaccaridi (β-glucani β1,3- β1,6) ad elevata eterogeneità conformazionale che conferisce loro una significativa attività immunomodulatoria, agendo sulle cellule di presentazione dell’antigene, potenziando l’immunità aspecifica, prima linea di difesa dell’organismo, e indirettamente, quella specifica, finemente regolata dalle diverse popolazioni di linfociti T. Attraverso il microbiota e l’intestino tenue, i β-glucani vengono rapidamente assorbiti e favoriscono una efficace immunosorveglianza, risultando utile per tutti quegli individui con deregolazioni immunitarie di diversa natura ed elevato livello infiammatorio sistemico.
Effetti principali
Efficace integrazione di β-glucani utili per sostenere e modulare correttamente il sistema immunitario Utile nel soggetto debilitato, con stanchezza cronica o affaticamente psicofisico
Informazioni nutrizionali
Componenti |
Per dosaggio giornaliero |
Betaglucani estratti da: | - |
Ganoderma lucidum | 300 mg |
Grifola frondosa | 300 mg |
Agaricus blazei | 300 mg |
Cordyceps sinensis | 300 mg |
Lentinula edodes | 300 mg |
Reperibilità prodotto
Codice parafarmaco: 8059173430833
Inserito nel registro degli integratori n°:
Certificati biologici da ICEA - Senza Glutine - Certificato Play Sure-Doping Free
Novel Medicinal Mushroom Blend as a Promising Supplement in Integrative Oncology: A Multi-Tiered Study using 4T1 Triple-Negative Mouse Breast Cancer Model International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Maggio 2020, 21(10), 3479;
Anticancer and anti-inflammatory properties of Ganoderma lucidum extract effects on melanoma and Triple-Negative Breast Cancer treatment. Barbieri A, Quagliariello V, Del Vecchio V, Falco M, Luciano A, Amruthraj NJ, Nasti G, Ottaiano A, Berretta M, Iaffaioli RV, Arra C. Nutrients. 2017 Mar; 9(3): 210
B-glucans from Grifola frondosa and Ganoderma lucidum breast cancer: an example of complementary and integrative medicine. Rossi P, Difrancia R, Quagliariello V, Savino E, Tralongo P, Randazzo CL, Berretta M. Oncotarget. 2018 May 15;9(37):24837-24856
Immunomodulatory and Antitumoral Properties of Ganoderma lucidum and Agaricus brasiliensis (Agaricomycetes) Medicinal Mushrooms. Rubel R, Santa HSD, Dos Santos LF, Fernandes LC, Figueiredo BC, Soccol CR. Int J Med Mushrooms. 2018;20(4):393-403
The Potential Role of Medicinal Mushrooms in the Prevention and Treatment of Gynecological Cancers: A Review. Venturella G, Saporita P, Gargano ML. Int J Med Mushrooms. 2019;21(3):225-235.
The effects of beta-glucan on human immune and cancer cells. Chan GC, Chan WK, Sze DM. J Hematol Oncol. 2009 Jun 10;2:25.
Optimizing Tumor Microenvironment for Cancer Immunotherapy: β-Glucan-Based Nanoparticles. Mei Zhang, Julian A. Kim, and Alex Yee-Chen Huang. Front Immunol. 2018; 9: 341.
Glucans as New Anticancer Agents. Sima P, Richter J, Vetvicka V. Anticancer Res. 2019 Jul; 39(7):3373-3378.
Consumption of β-glucans to spice up T cell treatment of tumors: a review. de Graaff P, Govers C, Wichers HJ, Debets R. Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2018 Oct;18(10):1023-1040.
Cytotoxic lanostane-type triterpenoids from the fruiting bodies of Ganoderma lucidum and their structure-activity relationships. Chen S, Li X, Yong T, Wang Z, Su J, Jiao C, Xie Y, Yang BB. Oncotarget. 2017 Feb 7;8(6):10071-10084.
Biological activities of triterpenes isolated from the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum. Dudek MK, Loganathan J, Silva D, Glensk M. Planta Medica 2015; 81(11)
Anti-oxidative Amino Acid L-ergothioneine Modulates the Tumor Microenvironment to Facilitate Adjuvant Vaccine Immunotherapy. Yoshida S, Shime H, Matsumoto M, Kasahara M, Seya T. Front Immunol. 2019 Apr 4;10:671.
Yeast-Derived β-Glucan in Cancer: Novel Uses of a Traditional Therapeutic. Geller A, Rejeena S, and Yan J. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Aug; 20(15): 3618.
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Anti-tumor monoclonal antibodies in conjunction with β-glucans: a novel anti-cancer immunotherapy Xiang D, Sharma VR, Freter CE, Yan J. Curr Med Chem. 2012;19(25):4298-305.
Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) suppresses proliferation and migration of breast cancer cells via inhibiting Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Zhang Y. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2017 Jul 8;488(4):679-684.
Ganoderma lucidum total triterpenes induce apoptosis in MCF-7 cells and attenuate DMBA induced mammary and skin carcinomas in experimental animals. Smina TP, Nitha B, Devasagayam TP, Janardhanan KK. Mutat Res. 2017 Jan;813:45-51.
Ganoderma lucidum Combined with the EGFR Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor, Erlotinib Synergize to Reduce Inflammatory Breast Cancer Progression. Suárez-Arroyo IJ, Rios-Fuller TJ, Feliz-Mosquea YR, Lacourt-Ventura M, Leal-Alviarez DJ, Maldonado-Martinez G, Cubano LA, Martínez-Montemayor MM. J Cancer. 2016 Feb 5;7(5):500-11.
Mushroom polysaccharides as potential prebiotics with their antitumor and immunomodulating properties: A review. Singdevsachan S.K. Auroshree P, Mishra J, Baliyarsingh B, Tayung K, Thatoi H. Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre, Volume 7, Issue 1, January 2016, Pages 1-14.
Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharide alleviating colorectal cancer by alteration of special gut bacteria and regulation of gene expression of colonic epithelial cell. Luo J, Zhang C, Liu R, Gao L, Liu X. Journal of Functional Foods. Volume 47, August 2018, Pages 127-135
Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides reduce methotrexate-induced small intestinal damage in mice via induction of epithelial cell proliferation and migration. Chen LH1, Lin ZB, Li WD. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2011 Dec;32(12):1505-12.
A water-soluble extract from cultured medium of Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi) mycelia attenuates the small intestinal injury induced by anti-cancer drugs Kashimoto N, Ishii S, Myojin Y, Ushijima M, Hayama M, Watanabe H. Oncol Lett. 2010 Jan; 1(1): 63–68.
Anticancer and antimetastatic effects of cordycepin, an active component of Cordyceps sinensis. Nakamura K, Shinozuka K, Yoshikawa N. J Pharmacol Sci. 2015 Jan;127(1):53-6.
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Lentinula edodes mycelia extract plus adjuvant chemotherapy for breast cancer patients: Results of a randomized study on host quality of life and immune function improvement.
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Oral (1-3),(1-4)-β-D-Glucan Synergizes with Antiganglioside GD2 Monoclonal Antibody 3F8 in the Therapy of Neuroblastoma. Nai-Kong V. Cheung2 and Shakeel Modak. Vol. 8, 1217–1223, May 2002.
Rituximab therapy of lymphoma is enhanced by orally administered (1-->3),(1-->4)-D-beta-glucan. Modak S, Koehne G, Vickers A, O’Reilly RJ, Cheung NK. Leuk Res. 2005 Jun;29(6):679-83.