Micotherapy Auricularia

Micotherapy Auricularia è un integratore che contiene la polvere del fungo intero Auricularia auricula judae da agricoltura biologica. Tradizionalmente utilizzato per sostenere il sistema immunitario e per contrastare stanchezza e carenza di energia, ha una elevata capacità antiossidante e indice prebiotico che lo rendono un rimedio utile per il sistema cardiovascolare e per potenziare il microbiota intestinale.


90 capsule

Mdo d'uso

3 capsule al giorno preferibilmente lontano dai pasti


Micotherapy Auricularia contiene polisaccaridi, glicoproteine, aminoacidi, precursori della vitamina D, vitamine B1, B2 e B3, beta-carotene, potassio, magnesio calcio, ferro e rame. L’Auricularia è ricca di melanina, una molecola ad elevato valore antiossidante e mucillagini che migliorano il transito intestinale e regolano l’assorbimento degli zuccheri. Micotherapy Auricularia favorisce la circolazione venosa periferica e il corretto assetto del microbiota intestinale. È quindi particolarmente utile in caso di stasi venosa, insufficienza venosa periferica, emorroidi, disbiosi intestinale con alvo alterno (bulking fecale), ma anche secchezza delle mucose con processi ossidativi, come tosse secca, faringiti e sinusiti croniche.  

Effetti principali

  • Favorisce e migliora il transito intestinale e contribuisce a ridurre la secchezza delle mucose. 

  • Azione antiossidante e di protezione dei tessuti dai radicali liberi

Informazioni nutrizionali


Per dosaggio giornaliero

Auricularia auricula sporophorum 1500 mg
Reperibilità prodotto

Codice parafarmaco: A970436123

Inserito nel registro degli integratori n°: codice 84613


ingredienti da agricoltura biologica (IT BIO 006) – Made in Europe - No OGM - Senza glutine

  • Revskaya E, Chu P, Howell RC, Schweitzer AD, Bryan RA, Harris M, Gerfen G, Jiang Z, Jandl T, Kim K, Ting LM. Compton scattering by internal shields based on melanin-containing mushrooms provides protection of gastrointestinal tract from ionizing radiation. Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals. 2012 Nov 1;27(9):570-6.

  • Zou Y et al. Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction of melanin from Auricularia auricula fruit bodies. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 11 (2010) 611–615

  • Zou Y et al. Chemical composition and radical scavenging activity of melanin from Auricularia auricula fruiting bodies. Food Sci. Technol, Campinas, 35(2): 253-258, Abr.-Jun. 2015

  • Zou Y et al. Physicochemical properties and stability of melanin from Auricularia auricula fermentation broths. Carpathian Journal of Food Science & Technology . Jun2015, Vol. 7 Issue 2, p149-154. 6p.

  • Zhang M et al. Production and Characterization of Melanin by Submerged Culture of Culinary and Medicinal Fungi Auricularia auricula. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. May 2015, Volume 176, Issue 1, pp 253-266

  • Zou Y et al. Chemical composition and radical scavenging activity of melanin from Auricularia auricula fruiting bodies. Food Science and Technology - February 2015, Volume 24, Issue 1, pp 15-21

  •  Zhuan-Yun L et al. Auricularia auricular-judae polysaccharide attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury by inhibiting oxidative stress and inflammation. Biomedical Reports 3: 478-482, 2015

  • Hua Zhanga et al. Purified Auricularia auricular-judae polysaccharide (AAP I-a) prevents oxidative stress in an ageing mouse model. Carbohidrate Polymers – Vol 84,1: 11 February 2011, Pages 638–648

  • Acharya K, et al. Antioxidant and nitric oxide synthase activation properties of Auricularia auricula. Indian J Exp Biol, May 2004; 42(5): 538-40.

  • Cai M et al.  Extraction, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of crude polysaccharides from the Wood Ear medicinal mushroom Auricularia auricula judae (higher Basydiomycetes). International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms; Volume 17, 2015 Issue 6.

  • Wu Q, Tan Z, Liu H, Gao L, Wu S, Luo J, Zhang W, Zhao T, Yu J, Xu X. Chemical characterization of Auricularia auricula polysaccharides and its pharmacological effect on heart antioxidant enzyme activities and left ventricular function in aged mice. International journal of biological macromolecules. 2010 Apr 1;46(3):284-8.

  • Chen, Gang, et al. “Inhibition Effect of Auricularia auricula Polysaccharide on Proliferation of Thoracic Artery Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells [J].” Food Science 17 (2009): 066.

  • Chen G, Luo YC, Ji BP, Li B, Guo Y, Li Y, Su W, Xiao ZL. Effect of polysaccharide from Auricularia auricula on blood lipid metabolism and lipoprotein lipase activity of ICR mice fed a cholesterol‐enriched diet. Journal of food science. 2008 Aug;73(6):H103-8.

  • Akgul H, Sevindik M, Coban C, Alli H, Selamoglu Z. New approaches in traditional and complementary alternative medicine practices: Auricularia auricula and Trametes versicolor. J Tradit Med Clin Natur. 2017;6(239):2.

  • Wei C, Wang J, Duan C, Fan H, Liu X. Aqueous Extracts of Se-Enriched Auricularia auricular Exhibits Antioxidant Capacity and Attenuate Liver Damage in High-Fat Diet/Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice. Journal of medicinal food. 2019 Nov 20.

  • Cheung,  P. C. The hypocholesterolemic effect of two edible mushrooms: Auricularia auricula (tree-ear) and Tremella fuciformis (white jelly-leaf) in hypercholesterolemic rats. Nutrition Research, 1996; 16(10): 1721-1725.

  • Yuan Z. et al. Hypoglycemic effect of water-soluble polysaccharide from Auricularia auricula-judae Quel on genetically diabetic KK-Ay Mice. Bioscience, Biotechnology & Biochemistry 1998; 62(10): 1898-1903.

  • Yuan Z. et al. Ameliorating effects of water-soluble polysaccharides from Woody Ear (Auricularia auricula-judae Quel.) in genetically diabetic KK-Ay Mice. Journal of Nutritional Science & Vitaminology 1998; 44(6): 829-840.

  • Takeujchi H. et al. Reductive effect of hot-water extracts from woody ear (Auricularia auricula-judae Quel.) on foo intake and blood glucose concentration in genetically diabetic KK-Ay mice. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo), Aug 2004; 50(4): 300-4. 

  • Chen G. Effect of polysaccharide from Auricularia auricula on blood lipid metabolism and lipoprotein lipase activity of ICR mice fe a cholesterol-enriched diet. J Food Sci, Aug 2008; 73(6): H103-8.

  • Reza MA, Hossain MA, Damte D, et al. Hypolipidemic and hepatic steatosis preventing activities of the wood ear medicinal mushroom Auricularia auricula-judae (higher Basidiomycetes) ethanol extract in vivo and in vitro. International journal of medicinal mushrooms. 2015;17(8).

  • Park KH, Kim KJ, Jang KY, Park K. Anti-obesity effect of Auricularia spp. Journal of Mushroom. 2018;16(2):103-10.

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